What is server side and client side scripting

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13808808

1. In this course we have learned about websites that use databases, what is a database, and used databases in building programs in Python. For this question, please describe how you would implement a database for a game, an application or a website based on what you have learned in the conferences. This essay should include not only the implementation of a database (fields, tables, etc) but also what kind of database and scripting language to execute the game, application or website. Please provide applicable references in APA style.

2. What is Server Side and Client Side scripting? Explain the differences between server-side and client - side scripting languages. Please provide 3 advantages and disadvantages of each. Please include appropriate details and examples with applicable references in APA style.

3. In this course, we have reviewed various scripting languages, worked in developing programs using Python in the textbook and for project assignments, and researched good and bad interaction design. Logic is a key factor in laying out the processes for programming a game/application/website. Explain why logic plays an important role while writing programs/applications (include examples as needed).

4. One of your colleagues who is not familiar with Interaction Design. Describe and explain concept of Interaction design to him or her. Please include appropriate details and examples with applicable references in APA style.

5. Describe and explain 5 underlying concepts that drive interaction design. Please include appropriate details and examples with applicable references in APA style.

Reference no: EM13808808

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