What is role of the immune system

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133541094


1. What is the role of the immune system, and how can it protect humans from disease?

2. Why is the rapid detection of a disease important?

3. The ELISA links an enzyme (horseradish peroxidase) to the secondary antibody. What is the purpose of the enzyme?

4. Why is it necessary to include positive and negative control samples in the assay in addition to the experimental samples?

5. Why is it necessary to wash the wells after each step?

Reference no: EM133541094

Questions Cloud

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What is role of the immune system : What is the role of the immune system, and how can it protect humans from disease? Why is the rapid detection of a disease important?
General mechanisms by which microorganisms cause disease : Describe the four general mechanisms by which microorganisms cause disease. Describe how Fc receptors help a microbe avoid phagocytosis.
Compare the variants and mutations to understand : Compare the variants and mutations to understand the different strains of SARSCoV2.
How are problems detected at the microbial level : How are problems detected at the microbial level? How does it interact with the immune system?
Horizontal gene transfer can add to antibiotic resistance : Explain how horizontal gene transfer can add to antibiotic resistance.


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