What is role of risk assessment

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133097


1. Why is it significant to control changes to asset baselines?

2. Why is the labelling process approached hierarchically?

3. Distinguish asset baselines from control baselines?

4. How do asset management procedures relate to overall information assurance policy?

5. What is role of risk assessment when it comes to baseline formulation?

6. Why is directorial buy-in so important to good asset management?

7. What is purpose of version management, why is it essential, what are the outcomes if it is not practiced?

8. Why is it logical to begin information assurance procedure with an information identification step?

9. Why must labels are unique, what reason does unique labelling serve in the real world?

10. Why is assignment of accountability significant? What would be consequence of not having it?

Reference no: EM133097

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