What is reverse logistics

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133456019


1. Explain EOQ, ROP, and economies of scale; how does a company use these in order to manage their inventory.

2. Explain ABC analysis and give at least one example for each category

3. Explain why the company Nordstrom failed in Canada. Focus on the reasons we explained in-class

4. What is JIT ? Why is important for inventory control and supply chain.

5. What is Reverse Logistics? What is involved in the processes of reverse logistics?

6. List the modes of Transportation and briefly the advantages of each mode.

7. List the different types of vessels for marine transportation and briefly explain each one.

8. What are the risks manufacturing outsourcing? What are the costs a company first needs to consider in order to make a decision to outsource.

Reference no: EM133456019

Questions Cloud

Existing social media platform : Which is best for an e-portfolio, using an existing social media platform or creating your own platform?
Determine the best location for new distribution center : Determine the best location for a new distribution center for XYZ services, taking into consideration only distances and quantities sold per month
What green consumer segments were being targeted : What green consumer segments were being targeted? In your view, why is this an example of a green marketing failure?
Technology for supply chain in the university : Researching on the use of blockchain technology for the supply chain in the university,
What is reverse logistics : What is Reverse Logistics? What is involved in the processes of reverse logistics? Explain EOQ, ROP, and economies of scale;
What logistics activity involves taking orders : Freight brokers predominantly arrange what kind of service? What logistics activity involves taking orders? In Made to order operations.
Inventory carrying cost and ordering cost : What is the difference between inventory carrying cost and ordering cost? Discuss the trade off between the two in estimating the total cost of inventory.
Differentiate between logistics costs and supply chain costs : Differentiate between logistics costs and supply chain costs. Explain how does logistics costs impact supply chain cost?
Channel perform in terms of customer service : How will the selected channel perform in terms of customer service?


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