Reference no: EM133203369
Locate a data sheet for a 1N4004 diode. Determine its average forward current, maximum forward voltage, and peak reverse voltage. Calculate the maximum power it must dissipate.
Design a switch using a Darlington pair to drive a 35 Ω load powered from a 24 V supply. Determine the collector current, base current, base resistor, power delivered to the load, and the transistor power dissipation for a 75% duty cycle pulse.
Find a bipolar junction transistor with a maximum collector current of at least 9 A. From its data sheet determine the maximum collector-emitter voltage, worst case β (or ), worst case , worst case , and worst case switching time.
Design a switch using an IRF630 to drive a 25 Ω load powered from a 150 Vdc supply. Determine the drain current, required gate pulse amplitude, power delivered to the load, and the transistor power dissipation for a 80% duty cycle pulse, and the required heat sink maximum thermal resistance for = 60°C.
In the circuit of Figure 6-31, transistors Q1 and Q4 are and current flows as indicated. The load has a significant inductance. Explain, in detail how, and which Schottky diodes prevent the flyback when Q1 and Q4 are turned .
What is required to turn the Teccor S4006LS SCR on?
What is required to turn the Teccor Q4006LH triac on?
What is required to turn the Teccor S4006LS SCR off?
What is required to turn the Teccor Q4006LH triac off?
Explain four characteristics that the SCR and the triac have in common.
What are two major differences between the SCR and the triac?i need help with these questions