Reference no: EM131048968 , Length: word count:1500
Assignment Requirements
You are to research a real life business example of your choice and the impact of IT on that business.
Important points
1) Does business need IT?
2) Why IT is important for business survival?
3) What is required to apply IT into business? (Cost, planning, designing, equipment, installation, training, etc...)
4) How does business use IT? (internally such as staff, employees, and externally such as customers, suppliers)
5) What benefits and advantages does IT bring to business? (Revenue, flexibility, reduces cost, etc....)
6) What type of risk does IT bring to business? (security, privacy, confidentiality)
7) How can business maintain and monitor IT?
Your report will be assessed on the quality of your research and report presentation. Discussion must be relevant to your chosen business.
Your report is to be in the style of a business report. There is a limit of ten pages excluding appendices.Assessment 2 Criteria
1. Introduction:
Clear statement of purpose, clarity of methods and assumptions; systematic approach to project.
2. Use of resources:
Application of relevant course concepts, tools and frameworks use of evidences, engagement with the literature.
3. Content:
- Balanced coverage of each of the important points mentioned in
Table 1,
- Richness of analysis;
- Flow of ideas;
- Validity of objectives,
- Use of own insight and originality;
- Feasibility of recommendations and implementation consideration
4. Organization and Presentation:
Clarity of structure, quality of presentation, style and readability. Title page, Table of contents, List of abbreviations and/or glossary, Executive summary/abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion Recommendations, Bibliography, Appendices
5. Citation practice:
Appropriate citation of sources and evidences used.
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