Reference no: EM131917008
Questions for Lower Level Cognitive Processes in Early Childhood
1. This question is about the video where the little boy judges the equality in the number of quarters, length of sticks, amount of liquid, amount of playdough, and number of graham crackers.
A) What is it in the procedure that seems to be tripping the child up?
B) What does the child's behavior lead you to conclude about children's ability to think logically in early childhood? Explain your answer.
2. Say in your own words how "hindsight bias" shows egocentric thinking.
3. Although the test where the child has to press a button each time they see a duck is described in terms of development of attention span, it also tests inhibitory control. Can you briefly say which response the child has to inhibit? Be specific.
4. Why would attending to more difficult-to-remember items be a useful memory strategy?
5. A) What is repeated rehearsal?
B) What percentage of kindergarteners use repeated rehearsal?
C) Why might this percentage increase from kindergarten to first grade?
6. The social collaborative nature of early memories refers to the social supports that help children maintain their earliest memories. What is your earliest memory? Can you describe any social support (photos, family stories, etc.) that you may have had in developing and maintaining that memory?