What is ransomware

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Reference no: EM132456914

1. Ransomware

Ransomware attacks continue to plague various sectors - especially government and healthcare. Cyber criminals have realized that these sectors are "soft targets" given the dependence on IT systems to run critical workflows that literally involve life-and-death decisions.


Question 1: What is ransomware?

Question 2: How does it work?

Question 3: What are mitigations that institutions could implement to prevent ransomware from being installed?

  • Minimum of 300 words excluding references

2. SSL and Certificates

  • SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, an encryption technology that was created by Netscape. SSL creates an encrypted connection between your web server and your visitors' web browser allowing for private information to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery.
  • It seems that more and more people are using mobile devices to check bank accounts, make purchases, etc. - there is a lot of financial and private data that is being transmitted via our mobile phones and tablets. How aware are users and using secure connections?


Question 1: In your own words, explain how server certificates work using SSL.

Question 2: Regarding the second paragraph above, explain ways that data could be compromised even if the user is going to secure sites.

  • Minimum of 300 words excluding references

Reference no: EM132456914

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