What is product-based marketing strategy

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133370913


1. Name four elements that a company might choose to include in its marketing mix.

2. What is a product-based marketing strategy?

3. How can an external viewpoint help a company develop a customer-based online selling strategy?

4. What type of promotional media works best for highly complex products or services?

5. Briefly define psychographic market segmentation and explain how it differs from demographic market segmentation.

6. As the terms are used in online advertising, what is the difference between an "impression" and a "click-through"?

7. What are the basic ideas that underlie permission marketing?

8. Briefly define and distinguish between emotional and rational branding.

9. Briefly define the term "viral marketing."

10. Briefly define search engine positioning and explain why companies use it.

Reference no: EM133370913

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