What is process for dealing with contractor design

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133525545

Question 1.

A client is using an ECC Option B contract to construct an asset. The Contractor started works on the Site 6 weeks ago. The Project Manager has just received a communication from the Contractor saying that unfortunately the Site Manager, who has over 20 years' experience, is required on another project and a replacement will be sought as soon as possible.

1. How should the Project Manager respond?

The Project Manager establishes that the reason behind this is a personal one. The Project Manager is sympathetic but of course has a concern about the successful Completion of the project. On checking the Contract Data, The Project Manager realises that the Site Manager is a key person stated in Contract Data part two.

2. Does that have any bearing on the Project Manager's actions?

The Contractor then submits curriculum vitae of an agency person, with only 2 years site experience.

3. What should the Project Manager do on receipt of this?

Shortly afterwards, a suitable replacement is found and progress on the job is good. The Project Manager is then involved in an accident outside of work and as a consequence will be off work for 2 weeks.

4. What should the Project Manager do in the circumstances?

The first day the replacement acts as a delegate of the Project Manager, the Contractor submits a cladding design for approval, asking for permission to commence straight away with procuring them as these items are holding up other areas of the project. The Contractor states that, on this occasion, it is prepared to take all risk of the design being wrong.

5. What is the process for dealing with the Contractor's design and what should the Project Manager's delegate do next?

Reference no: EM133525545

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