What is priority potential actual chronic concerns

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133542577

Patient Data: Ron Williams is an 18 yrs. old male recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He was brought to the ED by his friends following an accident on the soccer field, where he fell and hurt his arm. The first aider on site placed his arm in a sling. Ron hasn't eaten anything for 5 hrs and describe feeling light-headed, so ate a sandwich on the way to ED, feeling a little bit better.

Health wise: Ron is an 18 yrs. old male who has diagnosed with type1 diabetes within 10 mos. Sam is fit and active.

Family History: Father- Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes. Parental Grandparents both had History of coronary heart disease, diabetes, Hypertension and RIP.

Social History: Ron is currently on a gap year deciding if he wants to go to uni or learn abrade, he lives with his mum (Fiona) and regularly stays with his Dad, Paul Denter. Fiona is quite worried about Ron's recent diagnosis and wants to help him learn how to keep control of his diabetes. Ron wants to have some independence as he is 18 now and no longer a child. He thinks he is in control of his diabetes and to certain extent in denial that he must change some lifestyle choices. Ron's best friend is Harry, they have Ben friends since grade4, Harry is with Harry is with with Ron's in the ED. Ron's loves NRL & soccer and play most weekends dor his local team.

1. What is Priority Potential Actual Chronic Concerns 1?

a. What is the SMART goal?

b. Nursing Interventions?

c. What is the expected outcomes and evaluation?

2. What is Priority Potential Actual Chronic Concerns 2?

a. What is the SMART goal?

b. Nursing Interventions?

c. What is the expected outcomes and evaluation?

Reference no: EM133542577

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