What is patent unreasonableness-reasonableness simpliciter

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Reference no: EM133539206


1. What is 'Patent unreasonableness'?

2. What is 'Reasonableness simpliciter'?

3. What is 'functus officio'?

4. What is Standard of review?

5. What is Abandoned claim ?

6. What is the definiFon of ConvenFon refugee?

7. Explain the admissibility hearing process.

8. Explain the Fmeframes that apply to a non-designated foreign naFonal in an ID review

9. What is a removal order and what happens aRer one is issued?

10. Explain the residency obligaFon appeal process.

11. What is the purpose of BOC form and why is it important?

12. What are the two steps involved in appeal to the RAD?

13. Describe five situaFons when you cannot appeal an RPD rejecFon

14. How to perfect an appeal to the RAD?

15. Explain the steps involved in making a refugee claim at the POE.

16. Explain what appeal to the RAD means.

17. What is the purpose of the NaFonal DocumentaFon Packages?

18. List as many grounds as you can for challenging the decisions of bureaucrats and tribunals in the courts.

19. What three standards of review were used by the courts before the Supreme Court's decision in Dunsmuir? Explain how these standards differ from each other.

20. What is a "stated case" and how does a stated case come before a court?

21. What is an alternaFve to detenFon?

22. What are the funcFons of IAD?

23. What is the process in starFng a sponsorship appeal?

24. What is AlternaFve Dispute resoluFon?

25. What happens if your removal order appeal is allowed?

26. What happens if your removal order appeal is stayed?

26. How to start a residency appeal?

27. What happens if your residency obligaFon appeal is dismissed?

28. Summoning a witness at IAD. Please describe the process

29. List five kinds of officials who conduct reviews of the procedures or decisions of a tribunal or government official.

30. What is the RPD hearing process?

31. When does a party have the right to appeal a decision, and when is it necessary instead for the party to make an applicaFon for judicial review?

32. List the remedies a court can grant in an appeal or judicial review of an agency's decision.

33. Who is the immigraFon division member and what role does he play?

34. Explain the steps involved in making a refugee claim in an inland office.

35. Please explain the Fmeframes that apply to a non-designated foreign naFonal at a detenFon review.

36. What is the appeal record?

37. What happens if your residency obligaFon appeal is allowed?

38. What cases are heard by the IAD? 39. Who is the expert witness at the IAD?

40. Describe the closing arguments at the IAD. And why is closing argument important?

41. Who can appeal a removal order?

42. What happens aRer one is released fro the detenFon review?

43. Describe the following standard of review: "Correctness".

44. Please explain in detail about the appeal process for a residency obligaFon decision made outside Canada.

45. Deadline to submit a list of witnesses.

46. Is ADR conducted for most removal order appeals?

47. Can a foreign naFonal make a residency appeal aRer being found by the Visa Officer abroad not meeFng the residency obligaFon?

50. What is the role of an Early ResoluFon Officer (ERO)

51. Is RPD allowed to grant refugee protecFon without carrying out confirmaFon of security screening.

52. A party would like the court to re-weigh the credibility of the witnesses is a common reason for challenging a decision?

53. ImmigraFon appeals are usually open to the public. Does this mean that informaFon used in one's appeal is treated as public informaFon and may appear in your decision. Could this decision also be published on the Internet.

54. Explore 'Direct and substanFal interest in the decision'

55. What is the turnaround Fme to appeal a tribunal's decision to a court?

56. How can the decision of a tribunal be challenged before a court?

57. Under what circumstances can the CBSA officer detain a permanent resident or a temporary resident?

58. Unlike port-of-entry officers, IRCC inland officers have the authority to decide 59. Can IRCC officers, or CBSA officer decide the legiFmacy of a refugee claim?

60. Is the appeal as a way of review of a decision made by a tribunal is usually accompanied by an automaFc stay of the tribunal's decision?

61. Can ombudsman overturn a government decision?

62. What type of appeals hears the ID?

63. Explore admissibility hearing before IAD

64. Can a permanent resident of Canada or a convenFon refugee can appeal a removal order? Who can? Who can't?

65. Are telephone services the IAD's default method for appellants and parFes to parFcipate in a hearing if they are not able to adend in person?

66. What is the deadline for submieng a BOC for claims made at an IRCC?

67. Explore cash-bond/bondsperson obligaFons.

68. What is the term for: "harm that cannot be quanFfied in money terms or cannot be recFfied by payment of compensaFon for the harm suffered"?

69. Where would one look to determine who has the right to iniFate judicial review proceedings in Ontario?

70. What is 'deference'?

71. When a decision is made pursuant to s. 21.2 of Ontario's Statutory Powers Procedure Act , when should a review take place?

72. What statute governs the judicial review of federal departments, boards, commissions, and tribunals?

73. What are the most common grounds for challenging the decisions of Agencies?

74. When a refugee claimant is from a Designated Country of Origin and made his claim at an inland office, when does the RPD have to hear his case?

75. Does a refugee claimant who's claim was rejected by the RPD before December 15, 2012 have a right of appeal to the RAD? May they seek leave for judicial review by the FC?

76. Who decides an immigraFon appeal?

77. When does the claimant who made his claim at an inland office submit a BOC?

78. Are there any other avenues for a review of a decision besides appeal to an independent tribunal and judicial review?

79. When a rejected refugee claimant cannot appeal to the RAD?

80. May a person not be able to enter or remain in Canada if the ID determines that he or she does not have enough money to support him or herself?

81. If someone is unlikely to appear for an examinaFon, hearing or removal, can they be detained by the CBSA?

82. What is the permanent residency obligaFon according to IRPA (_____days out of every 5 years) 83. What two parFes are involved in the residence obligaFon appeals?

84. Is it true that to claim refugee protecFon, a person must first noFfy a border services or immigraFon officer?

85. If a refugee claimant is not from a DCO when does the RPD must hear their case?

86. Does a claimant whose refugee protecFon claim has been rejected have a right to appeal a removal order?

87. According to the RPD Rules, is it true that 'Counsel remains counsel of record unless the request to be removed is granted'?

88. Residency obligaFon appeal has to be provided to the Registry Office of the ImmigraFon Appeal Division (IAD) so that it is received no later than______ days?

89. When the claimant made his claim at a port of entry, he has to submit his completed BOC to the RPD no later than _____ days aRer the date IRCC or the CBSA sent his claim to the RPD.

90. What is referred to as 'transiFonal claim'?

91. Is it true that the IRB is independent, and as such not part of the IRCC or CBSA?

92. Is it true that the ID only holds hearings at the request of the CBSA following the inadmissibility report?

93. Is the AlternaFve Dispute ResoluFon accepted by the IAD to deal with sponsorship appeals?

94. Can a Minister appeal the decision by the RPD granFng refugee protecFon?

96. Can the ImmigraFon Appeal Division (IAD) may allow an appeal and set aside an original decision based on the grounds of an error in law or fact, or of a breach of a principle of natural jusFce.

97. Is a permanent resident of Canada, a refugee, or a foreign naFonal with a permanent resident visa who has been ordered removed from Canada allowed to make an appeal to the RAD?

98. Is it true, to intervene in an appeal at any Fme before the Division makes a decision, the Minister must provide, first to the appellant and then to the Division, a wriden noFce of intervenFon, together with any documentary evidence that the Minister wants to rely on in the appeal?

99. What is the procedure for stopping a decision from taking effect called?

100.What is an applicaFon to "stay" the decision?

101.What are the Fmeframes that apply to a non-designated foreign naFonal in an ID review?


Reference no: EM133539206

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