What is panera bread''s strategy? which of the five generic

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13738225

Go to our course textbook (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble & Strickland, 2014), Part 2, Case 9, and read the case regarding Panera Bread (C-96 - C-113). From the case, answer the following questions, being as specific as possible: 

What is Panera Bread's strategy? Which of the five generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely fit the competitive approach that Panera Bread is taking? What type of competitive advantage is Panera Bread trying to achieve? 
What does a SWOT analysis of Panera Bread reveal about the overall attractiveness of its situation? Does the company have any core competencies or distinctive competencies? 
What are the primary components of Panera Bread's value chain? 
What strategic issues and problems does Panera Bread management need to address? 
What does Panera Bread need to do to strengthen its competitive position and business prospects vis-à-vis other restaurant chain rivals? 
Finally, based on your assessment, what can you apply to organizational work in your sector from what you in the Panera Bread case? 

Reference no: EM13738225

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