What is online analytical processing

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13508655

What is online analytical processing? How is OLAP related to databases? What is a pivot table, and how are pivot tables and OLAP related?

Reference no: EM13508655

Questions Cloud

Find the tensions in the wires : A bag of cement of weight 325 N hangs from three wires, find the tensions in the wires
What is prototyping : What is prototyping? Under what circumstances should prototyping be used? Under what circumstances should it not be used?
Calculate the relative population of the ground state : A certain diatomic molecule vibrates with a characteristic frequency v= 2.45x10^9s^-1 (these are microwaves). Calculate the relative population of the ground state
Find the thermal conductivity of the metal : One end of an insulated metal rod is maintained at 100 and the other end is maintained at 0.00 by an ice-water mixture. Find the thermal conductivity of the metal
What is online analytical processing : What is online analytical processing? How is OLAP related to databases? What is a pivot table, and how are pivot tables and OLAP related?
Advantages of accrual accounting : Explain why the advantages of accrual accounting outweigh the disadvantages of ‘earnings management' - How would the use of ‘cash accounting' rather than ‘accrual accounting' reduce ‘earnings management'
Determine how many bounces can the ball make : A ball is dropped from rest from the top of a 6.30-m-tall building, falls straight downward, collides in-elastically with the ground, How many bounces can the ball make
What is the beta of stock b : Your portfolio has a beta of 1.24. The portfolio consists of 15 percent U.S. Treasury bills, 31 percent in stock A, and 54 percent in stock B. Stock A has a risk-level equivalent to that of the overall market. What is the beta of stock B?
Why is the storage of accounting data important : Why is the storage of accounting data important to an accounting information system? Describe some important concerns, and explain why each one is important.


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