What is one state or national law in the past five years

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Reference no: EM133692516


Thank you for sharing with us why access to quality health care is such a problem and the ways we as providers and a society can help to improve the access. Improving the numbers of nurse practitioners especially those willing to work in rural and low-income areas helps reduce the provider shortage, but even more so we have to continue to support nurse practitioners in every state being able to practice to full extent or their abilities (full practice authority) which is currently very limited in many states in order to further reduce issues with access. What is one state or national law/pending bill in the past 5 years that has contributed to expansion of NP availability and services and how does that help with social determinants?


Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence. Engage by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice. Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.

Reference no: EM133692516

Questions Cloud

Select ethical or legal dilemma : Select an ethical or legal dilemma that you have personal experience with or have witnessed and examine the accountability of the DNP-prepared nurse
Define tissue integrity-exemplars of tissue integrity : Define tissue integrity, exemplars of tissue integrity, and terms related to tissue integrity and wound care Describe the relationship between tissue integrity
How might you communicate your concerns : How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill to peers and legislators based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?
Identified type of postpartum mood disorder : Identify five teaching points to help the client and family with the identified type of postpartum mood disorder.
What is one state or national law in the past five years : What is one state or national law/pending bill in the past 5 years that has contributed to expansion of NP availability and services.
Example of patient in the clinical practicum : Example of a patient in the clinical practicum that Apply patient-centered and culturally appropriate concepts to improve quality and safety,
What was the human behaviors occurring : What was the human behavior(s) occurring? Was this behavior ethical through the lens of the BACB Ethical code for Behavior Analysts?
Opioid analgesic medication for work accident : Your office being prescribed by his primary care physician (PCP) for the past 3 years an opioid analgesic medication for a work accident
Woman with moderate dementia and heart failure : A 90-year-old woman with moderate dementia, heart failure, and chronic renal insufficiency presents with a new onset of weakn marked hyperkalemia


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