What is one of the primary weaknesses of relying on

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133509167

This week's assignment consists of several parts. The entire essay needs to be 900 words long and include the answers to all of the questions below, as well as the responses to all activities. Do not include the text below into your wordcount.

Question 1

1. What is one of the primary weaknesses of relying on intentionality as a defining characteristic of persuasion?

2.What are the limitations of using an "effects" standard as the basis for a definition of persuasion?

3. Do Gass & Seiter believe there is such a thing as self-persuasion? Why or why not?

Question 2

In this activity, you will scrutinize the nature of the images and associations made by automobile manufacturers.

Visit the website of any new car dealer and find an ad for a particular make and model of car. Select a variety of types of ads for comparison: sports cars, luxury cars, sport-utility vehicles, smaller, budget-minded cars, pick-up trucks, etc.

Analyze the ads to see what kinds of images and associations are being made (fun, prestige, power, family togetherness, coolness, escape, etc.). What kind of idealized lifestyle is being portrayed by each ad. Some ads may portray multiple lifestyles (e.g., a reliable car for commuting to and from work, and a great car for weekend get-aways).

Make a list of the images associated with different types of cars on the board.

Question 3

In this activity you will explore the concept of cognitive dissonance.

The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock (New York, Workman Publishing, 1987), is chock full of questions involving moral dilemmas that produce psychological angst. Although the examples are hypothetical, of course, they can still give students a sense of the psychological discomfort one experiences when holding contradictory beliefs, or choosing between incompatible alternatives. Some examples of questions are:

1. For someone you loved deeply, would you move to a far-away country with little chance of seeing your family again?

2. Owing to a mix-up at the hospital, you discover your one-year-old child is, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake? Would it matter if the child were an angel or a brat?

3. If you could increase your IQ by 50 points, but would have to have a hideous scar running from the corner of your eye to the corner of your mouth, would you do it?

4. Would you murder an innocent person if it would end world hunger?

5. Is there any cause you would be willing to die for?

6. Other than family members and intimates, is there any public figure you would throw yourself in front of a train to save?

What choice would you make? Would your choice arouse any dissonance? What strategies might be used to reduce the dissonance (see p. 64 in the text for some possibilities)?

Reference no: EM133509167

Questions Cloud

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How public communicators were discussing the oura smart ring : what was one of the major problems with how public communicators were discussing the Oura smart ring during the summer of 2020? You should be specific
How charles duhigg article how companies learn your secrets : Explain how Charles Duhigg's article "How companies learn your secrets" perpetuated particular myths about personalized advertising, and why those myths made
What is one of the primary weaknesses of relying on : What is one of the primary weaknesses of relying on intentionality as a defining characteristic of persuasion? What are the limitations of using an "effects"
Analyze importance of proactively establishing communication : Explain how language barriers can impact both internal and external communication as well as internal collaboration among team members; use evidence from course
How the attempts of the mongols to invade japan in 1274 : What was the Joei Code of 1232? - Briefly describe the surprising reason how the attempts of the Mongols to invade Japan in 1274 and 1281 were stopped.
Describe a suitable method of delivery of the reinforcers : describe a suitable method of delivery of the reinforcers (i.e. contingency contracting, shaping, chaining, or token economy). You will also need to justify why
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