What is one of the most widely used methods of charting

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Reference no: EM133782004

Question: What is one of the most widely used methods of charting, appropriate for most types of patient encounters? What type of progress note is organized and entered based on where medical documentation came from, whether from a provider, laboratory, or other source?

Reference no: EM133782004

Questions Cloud

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What is one of the most widely used methods of charting : What is one of the most widely used methods of charting, appropriate for most types of patient encounters? What type of progress note is organized and entered
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What modifier do you use for the fishbone removal : Patti had a total abdominal hysterectomy 2 weeks ago and there is a global post-op period of 90 days. What modifier do you use for the fishbone removal?
What information should be included in the discussion : child recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus and his family to provide diet counseling. What information should be included in the discussion


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