Reference no: EM133285257
Brainstorm any early oral language experiences you can remember:
- What is one of the earliest songs you remember hearing? Or singing?
- Do you remember any stories that were told in your family?
- Does your family have a tradition of oral storytelling?
- Did you sing together?
- Did you say prayers together?
- How did you use language in play with peers, siblings, family etc? Was it loud? Quiet? Was it very physical or very verbal?
- Did you have a favourite story book that someone special read aloud to you?
- Did someone in your family read to you?
- Did you have a special made up "language" with a friend or sibling?
- What do you remember about learning two or multiple languages?
- You may think of other experiences not in this list of examples -that's great! Remember to keep the focus on oral language (not about reading or writing). You can post on the discussion board if you're not sure.
- Choose 1-2 experience(s) to focus on.
- Think about how that experience connects to what you have learnt so far about oral language, and early language and emergent-literacy. Make clear and explicit connections to the unit readings. Consider the learning outcomes - you need to show you understand that language and emergent-literacy is a social act.
Begin sketching out a script for your podcast. How did the experience(s):
- - Shape your identity?
- Show that language is a social act?
- Contribute to building important pre-literacy skills?
- Connect to understanding of receptive and expressive language?
- Connect to understanding of language learning in ECE?
- Build oral language confidence (or perhaps impacted negatively?) or connect to your culture?
- Connect to greater political, social or cultural influences?
- Use at least 2 academic (scholarly) references to support your ideas. These include readings from the reading list. You can also use more informal sources in addition.
- Revise script. Ask a peer or colleague to review your writing. Make sure you have referred back to the assessment rubric and included all elements required. Double check your citations and bibliography.
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