What is one determined to be valid and reliable

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Reference no: EM131644398

Introduction to Epidemiology Ashford University Text: Friis, R. H. and Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice. Guided

Response: Review your classmate's posts and select two who posted on different websites. Review their description of the epidemiological information found there and their explanation of what type of information would be used by epidemiologists.

In your response, find a non-scholarly source for the same information (FYI.most mainstream online sites are non-scholarly. You cannot use Wikipedia as your example).

Evaluate the differences between the validity and reliability of the scholarly source versus the non-scholarly source. Your evaluation includes an in-depth study of validity and reliability using the two sources as examples and for comparison.

In that evaluation, you may want to consider addressing such questions as: what makes one valid over the other, what is one determined to be valid and reliable and the other isn't, what is the problem using non-scholarly sources?

Your response should be longer than your original post: at least 250 words. You must cite and reference using APA format with at least two sources, not including your textbook. Nettye Johnson The output of epidemiologic study drives public health as it is used to in decision making regarding health related funding and healthcare service allocation, and the guidance of health research topics and targets as well as health education and intervention planning.

The output of epidemiological research depends heavily on the validity of data collected, used and analyzed in the work (Friis & Sellers, 2014). This discussion explores the validity and reliability of two online epidemiologic sources; the U.S. Census Bureau and the JAMA Network/American Medical Association. The U.S. Census Bureau's goal is to provide timely, relevant, and quality data about the people in the United States and the U.S. economy. Specific data collection variables include population counts, details on gender, age, race, residence, income, education level, type of work, etc. Changes in population, housing, and the workforce are also collected in addition to 14 reports on economic indicators and reporting on the government.

Census data is collected at varying time intervals. For example, the population and housing census are performed every ten years. Economic census data is collected every five years ("What We Do", 2017). Epidemiologists use census data in the definition of the population. Many important "People" variables of descriptive epidemiology can be found in census data. Census location data can be used to determine trends or identify environmental elements that may contribute to disease. Census data also provides important socioeconomic factors that can be used in the estimation of risk, the identification of syndromes and determinants of health. Census reporting on the govermental elements can be used in the evaluation of health services (Friis & Sellers, 2014).

Using the CRAAP Test (2010), validity and reliability of census data can be attributed to the currency of information - the census collects data at regular and appropriate intervals and regularly updates the presentation of data via their communication channels. Census data scores high on the authority measure as the U.S. Census bureaus is the premier collector of population data in the nation.

The Census Bureau has strict guidelines, procedures, and checks to help assure the accuracy of information, and bias interference is minimal ("What We Do", 2017). The JAMA Network/American Medical Association website is a treasure trove of health and medical information. This site hosts Journals of American Medicine for 11 disciplines (Dermatology, Facial Plastic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Head & Neck Surgery, Pediatrics, Neurology, Psychiatry, Surgery, and archives of Neurology and Psychiatry).

The website provides education for health professionals and results from studies with recommendations ("The JAMA Network", 2017). Epidemiologists can use information from the JAMA Network to support all seven uses of epidemiology as the journals report on epidemiologic studies. Applying CRAAP Test criteria, articles from the JAMA Network are highly reliable and valid. The contents are scholarly peer reviewed articles which point to authority and accuracy.

Articles are timely, often showing results of recent studies. The data is highly academic and relevant for epidemiologic research. Bias on the network is managed. Research can have a bend depending upon the funding.

This can be managed as multiple studies can be found on with varied data, discussion or recommendations on the same topics. The variation can fuel further research. References Evaluating Information - Applying the CRAAP Test. (2010). Chico.

Friis, R. H. and Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. The JAMA Network. (2017).

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The paper is about the reliability and the validity of the data used in the various organization which is highlighted in the paper. This paper also discusses using the data at different intervals of time. This paper has been prepared in Microsoft Word Document.

Reference no: EM131644398

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