Reference no: EM133475007
Assignment: District Methods and Approaches to the Study of Religion Literacy Paper
There are three parts to this assignment. Read the assigned reading, then answer the questions.
The point of this current homework is to get you acquainted with the various authors and their methodology.
Part I: Read Huston Smith's The World's Religions. Exact page numbers are below. Then answer the questions.
Part II: Read Jacob Neusner's World Religions in America. Exact page numbers are below. Then answer the questions.
Part III: Read Stephen Prothero's Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know--and Doesn't pages 1-30.
Part I: Huston Smith - The World's Religions
Question A. Read the Foreword, the Preface and the Acknowledgments in Huston Smith's The World's Religions (pg xi-xvi). Based on Smith's account of the help he received in writing the book, what do you think about the way Smith has tried to understand the world's religions?
Question B. Read the "Point of Departure" section in Smith (pg1).- What is the purpose of this book according to Smith? How could the book mislead the readers who don't pay special attention to its purpose?
Question C. Smith describes what this book is not. What do you think this book is not?
Question D. What is omitted from consideration in this book?
Question E. What is this book according to Smith? Put it in your own words.
Question F. What are you looking forward to learning in studying the religions of the world?
Question G. People have strong opinions about religion. How can you make the study of religion easier for yourself?
Part II: Jacob Neusner - World Religions in America
Question A. Read Neusner World Religions in America 4th edition pages 1-7. Are Americans a religious people? Yes or No?
Question B. Do the religions of the world flourish in America? Yes or No? Name three religions which you did not know were actually in America.
Question C. If you live in America, according to Neusner, is it possible to hold no religion at all? Explain.
Question D. How is America different than other nations regarding ethnic and religious diversity?
Question E. What has happened to the idea of an authentic American being protestant? (See page 4-5.)
Question F. What are the four different types of ways in which religious insiders think about religious outsiders?
Question G. How will you know if reading this book has succeeded in its purpose?
Part III: Stephen Prothero
Question A. Read the handout Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know--and Doesn't pages 1-20 by Stephen Prothero.
Question a. Give a personal example of religious ignorance (pg1).
Question B. Why does knowing about religion matter? In other words, what is wrong with religious ignorance (pg2-4)?
Question C. What is cultural literacy? How does this relate to religious literacy (pg4-6)?
Question D. What percentage of congress consults their religious beliefs before make a decision (pg6)?
Question E. Can you name five major world religions? What would Prothero think this is an example of (pg7)?
Question F. What is the difference between theology and religious studies? What do you need religious knowledge to be an effective citizen (pg10-11)?
Question G. Give me a definition of 'religious literacy.'
Question H. Name one use of religious literacy. (17-20)
Question I. What do you think about religious literacy? Should people be literate in religion?