What is Nuremberg Code

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133292898


1. Who was Henrietta Lacks? Briefly describe the controversy related to using her cells for science.

2. What makes Hela cells unique compared to regular cells? (Why are they called immortal?)

3. List 4 discoveries that have been made using Hela cells.

4. What is "voluntariness" and why is it essential to ensure ethical data collection?

5. What is "informed consent" and why is it essential to ensure ethical data collection?

6. What is the Nuremberg Code?

7. Describe the concern about ethical data collection in the age of technology.

Reference no: EM133292898

Questions Cloud

Describe molecular mechanisms of fertilisation : Describe molecular mechanisms of fertilisation - sperm-egg recognition and binding; acrosomal reaction; fusion; cortical reaction; cleavage.
Signaling pathway involving g-protein coupled receptors : Draw a diagram showing the typical signaling pathway involving the G-protein coupled receptors.
Limestone is made of calcium carbonate : Limestone is made of calcium carbonate. compare to other lakes after several years of acid rain?
CRISPR to increase human intelligence : Support or Oppose the following: we discover a gene that can be modified using CRISPR to increase human intelligence.
What is Nuremberg Code : What is the Nuremberg Code? Describe the concern about ethical data collection in the age of technology. List 4 discoveries that have been made using Hela cells
Humans and biotechnology-genetic engineering : Genetic engineering will not stop at our crops. We can and inevitably will use this technology on ourselves.
Describe the process of mri and ct scans : Define and describe the process of MRI and CT scans. How would you describe the difference to a client who has no medical knowledge.
Purpose or function of the molecule : Describes the various macromolecules that are found within organic organisms. Purpose or function of the molecule.
Describe how alcohol acts on neuronal receptors : The blood analysis of Charlie reveals a high level of alcohol. Describe how alcohol acts on neuronal receptors, and its main effects on the brain.


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