What is non-persistent http connection

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Reference no: EM133467


Consider a short, 10-meter link, over which a sender can transmit at a rate of 150 bits/sec in both directions. Presume the packets containing data (HTTP objects) are 100000 bits long and include one entire object. Assume packets containing only control information are only 200 bits long. Suppose that a request is made for a particular webpage. The original response is a single object. As processing that returned object 10 additional objects are requested. Consider how long it would take to obtain all 11 of these objects in following situation-

suppose that the first object is requested using a non-persistent HTTP connection. Then consider the remaining ten objects (requested by the first object). The bandwidth of the medium will be divided into 10 equal channels. In parallel, one connection in each channel, separate non-persistent HTTP connections are used to send each of the 10 objects requested by the first object. The ten objects are sent at the same time (in parallel) in ten available channels.

Reference no: EM133467

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