What is my self-concept right now

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Reference no: EM133626646

Homework: Interpersonal Communications- Self-Concept Essay


Our goal in this course is to increase interpersonal communication competence. The purpose of this homework is to determine what your Self-concept is, starting at the beginning of the course. Reflect upon how you grew up; and what communication patterns you experienced with your significant caregiver. Did your developmental experiences create a positive and healthy sense of Self, or an unhealthy negative sense of Self? Ultimately what is your Self-concept at this moment in time? This homework consists of PART I and II. In part I you will answer the following questions/statements addressing your current concept of Self. In part II, you will answer the following questions/statements addressing how your concept of Self has changed based on your acquired knowledge and a new awareness of Self and Relational communication in this course.

Guidelines and Requirements

A. Create an MSWord document entitled: Self-Concept Essay with your name in the heading.

B. Provide atwo-page, 12 pitch-font,and double-spaced essay containing the following information. I will accept a question and answer format. The following are some sample questions/statements. You can create additional or other questions if you wish.

1. What is my Self-concept right now? Has it changed from adolescence, how so?
2. Why do I have this concept of Self?
3. I am or am not satisfied with my current concept of Self...
4. I would like to change ___ regarding mycurrent concept of Self...
5. Others view my Self as __________________.

Reference no: EM133626646

Questions Cloud

Would you be willing to join or host a death cafe gathering : Would you be willing to join or host a Death Café gathering in your home? Why or Why not? Would you recommend this type of education to a friend or relative?
Attacked random strangers with bat : A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a client who attacked random strangers with a bat.
Description of different systems which make up the homeland : Research paper on the homeland security topic of your choice. It is highly recommended you select one of the Featured Topics in the Homeland Security Digital
It was reported he has no movement in extremities : It was reported he has no movement in his extremities. He has no next of kin. reverse case study.
What is my self-concept right now : COM 200- What is my Self-concept right now? Has it changed from adolescence, how so? Why do I have this concept of Self?
What technology will you use : You are asked to modify some settings on all servers in your company's network. You decide to access all server administration tools from a single console.
Surgically excising part or all of which structure : The carpal tunnel pressure is sometimes relieved by surgically excising part or all of which structure?
How to modernize a customer relationship management : How to modernize a customer relationship management (CRM) system to allow the users to access it through a mobile device
Evaluation of suspected physical abuse : A three-year-old child was brought into the hospital for an evaluation of suspected physical abuse.


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