Reference no: EM133339939
Connection to introduction to social work assignment
1. How your worldview shapes the way you view 3 following topics or concepts
Topic 1: What's my role in helping indigenous communities?
Topic 2: What makes a good life?
Topic 3: What kind of help do women and children need?
2. Social Work Theory and Research that has changed or deepened your worldview and understanding above 3 topics or concepts covered this term (and why)
Sources if needed: if you use it please cite it using APA
Dion, A., & Suntjens, T. (Podcast Host). (2020, August 1). wicihtasow with Dr. Leona Makokis and Dr. Ralph Bodor [Audio podcast episode]. 2 Crees in a Pod.
Davys D, & Tickle E. (2008). Social inclusion and valued roles: a supportive framework. International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation, 15(8), 358-363.
TED (2017, Aug 23). Let's end ageism Ashton Applewhite [YouTube].
TED (n.d.). Why domestic violence victims don't leave - Leslie Morgan Steiner [YouTube Video].