What is multicultural education

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Reference no: EM131564908

What is multicultural education?

What are some processes for developing cultural identity? Why is it important that English language learners develop a cultural identity?

What is the role of culture in language minority students' achievement? Why is it important for teachers to be aware of the role that plays in language minority students' achievement?

What is the influence of cultural diversity on instructional programs?

Examples of how you can apply this information to help students in the classroom,

Reference no: EM131564908

Questions Cloud

What are basic reasons that people resist change : 1. What are basic reasons that people resist change? How can this resistance be overcome?
Evaluate the influence an organizations strategic plan has : Evaluate the influence an organization's strategic plan has on its performance management program. Are there other variables, outside the strategic plan.
Compare the concepts of ethics coming from the top : Explain the concepts of intrinsic and instrumental values, and provide at least two (2) examples that illustrate how each set of values is crucial .
Demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills : By the end of teaching period 3, I will develop and demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills by using on-line presentation resources and actively.
What is multicultural education : What is multicultural education. What are some processes for developing cultural identity
Designing business documents : You work in the human resources department of a nationwide retailer. You are responsible for designing business documents within your department.
What are benefits of globalization for the average person : What are the benefits of globalization for the average person? What are other examples of the impact of globalization on human rights?
Discuss the reasoning for your choice of jurisdiction : Discuss the reasoning for your choice of jurisdiction of the court in each case. Provide two (2) examples of jurisdiction choice to support your rationale.
Sometimes the negotiation process : Sometimes the negotiation process doesn't work well for whatever reason, and companies will engage in what is known as ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution


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