What is motivation what are characteristics of motivation

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Reference no: EM133384506

Question: What is motivation? What are the characteristics of motivation? What are the similarities and differences among these motivation theories? Is there any theory you think is the most useful in explaining human behaviors?

Please use the references below to help you answer

What is Motivation?

Motivation can be defined in many different ways. In this course, we will use the definition established by by Robbins and Judge (2011): "The processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (p. 204)." Some people see motivation as a personal trait: you either have it or you don't. In actual fact, motivation is the interaction between the personal difference and the situation/environment. Motivation has three components:

  1. direction: the orientation that benefits the organization;
  2. persistence: how long people can maintain their efforts; and
  3. intensity: how strong an individual wants something.


Reference no: EM133384506

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