What is minimum and maximum number of players that can play

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131294218



Using information we have discussed throughout the semester, create a functional board game. The game must be of professional quality and functional! Select one, two, some, or all of the topics below to develop meaningful questions and/or statements for your game.

Possible Topics (Anything from 1st Semester)

Apply Properties of Real Numbers

Complete the Square

Evaluate & Simplify Algebraic Expressions

Use the Quadratic Formula & the Discriminant

Solve Linear Equations

Graph & Solve Quadratic Inequalities

Rewrite Formulas & Equations

Write Quadratic Functions & Models

Use Problem Solving Strategies & Models

Use Properties of Exponents

Solve Linear Inequalities

Evaluate & Graph Polynomial Functions

Solve Absolute Value Equations & Inequalities

Add, Subtract, & Multiply Polynomials

Graph Quadratic Functions in Standard Form

Factor & Solve Polynomial Equations

Graph Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form

Apply the Remainder & Factor Theorems

Solve Quadratic Functions by Factoring

Find Rational Zeros

Solve Quadratic Functions by Factoring

Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Solve Quad. Func. By Finding Square Roots

Analyze Graphs of Polynomial Functions

Perform Operations with Complex Number

Write Polynomial Functions & Models


Write up

• The name of the game
• Educational objective of the game (purpose - what do you want your players to learn?)
• Approximate time required to complete
• Appropriate grade level and/or other learner description
• The rules (keep them simple, clear, and straight-forward)

Appropriate Pieces

• Game board (neat, organized, and functional)
• Game pieces (Contents)
• Player Cards(List of questions/statements & answers) - MINIMUM of 40

o Must include a SEPARATE sheet of questions with answers or statements

• Others?


1. Select a theme to base your board game on (CandyLand, Monopoly, Clue, Life, Trouble...)

2. Map out your rules (complete the write up). Use the following questions as a STARTING POINT:

a. What is the end goal of the game?
b. How would the players win?
c. What is the minimum and maximum number of players that can play?
d. Is the game meant purely for enjoyment purposes, educational purposes, or a mixture of both?
e. What are the pieces needed for the game? (Players' markers, dice, cards, ...)

3. Sketch a rough draft of the board layout. Create game pieces.

4. Develop your questions and/or statements.

5. Complete your game board.

6. Put it all together - Test & RETEST! - Make sure your game is of good quality and FUNCTIONAL!

7. Self-grade yourself by marking the rubric on the backside of this sheet. Turn this sheet in with your game. Lastly, complete check list in upper right hand corner!

Reference no: EM131294218

Questions Cloud

Prepare a speech about the bible-the history book : prepare a speech about the Bible-the History book.The Bible is it a :History book,Religious book,Fiction and why ?
Explain the role of the scope statement : (a) When defining a project, the scope statement is an essential component. Explain the role of the scope statement and the reasons for the occurrence of scope creep in a project.
Places of employment of the team members : Select an organization among the places of employment of the team members. Select a global market into which the company might expand. This should be a market with different characteristics, so do not choose a similar market such as Canada.
Discuss about the existentialism and human emotions : Discuss about the Existentialism and Human Emotions. three main ideas from the readings from the weeks' readings. Any reading completed for class since the submission of the last short paper are fair game here, so you may present ideas from severa..
What is minimum and maximum number of players that can play : What is the minimum and maximum number of players that can play? Is the game meant purely for enjoyment purposes, educational purposes, or a mixture of both? What are the pieces needed for the game?
Write the given paper assignment : Write the given paper assignment.-  Read the outline and write the paper.-  Write the body using the outline.
What is the set of rationalizable strategies : What is the set of rationalizable strategies for each player in this game - where si denotes player i 's selection, for 1 = 1, 2, . , 10. Then, player i 's payoff is given by ui; = (ai - 1)si.
Model of strategic management of human resources : Review the model of Strategic Management of Human Resources and describe how it impacts an organization.
Define the learning objectives : Define the learning objectives.Identify materials necessary to complete the activity.Indicate accommodations that might be necessary for culturally and linguistically diverse students.


Write a Review

Algebra Questions & Answers

  Solve the linear model

Select five values for x to plug into the linear function, P(x)=10x-7 and prepare a table of values

  Identify the sample and suggest a population

Identify the sample and suggest a population

  Evaluate the ratios

Evaluate the ratios and check are the ratios equivalent.

  Define variables and profit function

Define variables and profit function

  Make a linear equation

Assume you have a lemonade stand, & when you charge $1 per cup of lemonade you sell 50 cups. But when you raise your price to $2 you only sell 25 cups. Make an equation for the number of cups you sell as a function of the price you charge. Denote "C"..

  Classify linear and non linear functions

For each of the relationships given below, describe whether you think it is best explained by a linear function or a non-linear function.

  Which of the following are functions

Which of the following are functions?  The two problems, i.e., 1 & 3, are multi part relations consider all parts when determining whether or not these relations are functions. Explain your reason for 1, 2, & 3.

  Using venn diagram for solving word problems

Using venn diagram for solving word problems.

  Joint probability density function

The joint probability density function.

  Applications of combination

Applications of combination

  Solving problems using venn diagram

Solving problems using venn diagram.

  Solving problems into equation

Solving problems into equation.

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