What is message of popular media cartoon or advertisement

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Reference no: EM133473660

Homework: Popular Culture's Perceptions of Sexuality & Elderly People

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium's portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your homework submission. Make sure that you choose a cartoon that will provide ample information for you to write about.

Uanswer the following questions. Be sure to use two references, other than your media item, to support your work. Your job is to convince me that you have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding sexuality and the elderly.

Question A. What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?

Question B. What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain. Be sure to address each of the 3 aspects in your discussion.

Reference no: EM133473660

Questions Cloud

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What is message of popular media cartoon or advertisement : What is message of popular media cartoon or advertisement? What examples of physiological, psychological or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed?
Research and present the leading opinions : Research and present the leading opinions and comment on the validity of the arguments. Which side is more compelling? Why?
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Explain why you are proud of this accomplishment : Explain why you are proud of this accomplishment. Discuss the biggest challenge or obstacle you had to overcome in this course.


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