What is meant when something has been phosphorylated

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133366538


1. What is meant when something has been phosphorylated?

2. What is Oxidation? What is Reduction? How are they related?

3. What do FAD and NAD+ do?

4. What is substrate-level phosphorylation?

5. Draw out the equation for the oxidation of glucose?

6. What are the three main phases of glycolysis?

7. What molecule initiates glycolysis?

8. What is/are the products of glycolysis?

9. What happens to the products of glycolysis in the absence of adequate oxygen? And what the three steps of the process?

10. What happened to the products of glycolysis under adequate oxygen conditions?

11. What are the two molecules needed to initiate the Kreb's (Citric Acid) Cycle?

12. What are the keto acids?

13. What are the products of the Kreb's Cycle?

14. What is the fate of FADH2 and NADH+H+?

15. How many ATP do NADH+H+ and FADH 2 produce (each)?

16. What is the initial phase of lipid oxidation called?

17. What are the two substrates produced by the action of lipase?

18. What is/are the product(s) of beta-oxidation?

19. Describe how amino acids are catabolized for energy.

20. Describe the need for protein synthesis in body cells.


Reference no: EM133366538

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