What is meant by user cantered design

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132382


1- inscribe a plan for analysis and design of an e-commerce site recommending that aspects of process and data analysis have to be conducted and explaining how they must be integrated.

2- Write down a report summarizing characteristics of a web site with good usability.

3- How can concept of customer orientation be translated into e-commerce site design?

4- Sum up purpose of process analysis.

5- What is meant by ‘user cantered design'?

6- Explain stages of data modelling with reference to a database for an e-procurement system.

7- Describe relationship between analysis, design and implementation for an e-commerce site.

8- for a short time describe the term "process dependency"

9- in a few words describe event-driven process chain (EPC) model.

10- What is a "thin client"?


Reference no: EM132382

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