What is meant by understandable testimony

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Reference no: EM132644053

Question: Topic 1: Constitutional Rights

Why should an investigator be familiar with the U.S. Constitution and the American legal system?

Topic 2: Testifying in Court

What is meant by "understandable testimony"? Is an investigator permitted to refer to notes?

The response must be typed, double spaced, times new roman, font size 12 and must follow APA format.

Reference no: EM132644053

Questions Cloud

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What is meant by understandable testimony : Why should an investigator be familiar with the U.S. Constitution and the American legal system? What is meant by "understandable testimony"?
How should the court rule and why : Brook wanted to rob the First National Bank located in Newport Beach, Orange County, California. When Hurst found out about Brook's plan, Hurst asked to join.
What forms of treatment are warranted for the situation : Knowing that crack and cocaine do not have strong physical addictive properties, why does it seem like the withdrawal symptoms are so much worse than opiates?
Should we make tobacco use by pregnant women a crime : Since tobacco use has been shown to be detrimental to the health of a fetus, should we make tobacco use by pregnant women a crime?
How could have law enforcement avoid violating person rights : How could have law enforcement avoid violating a person's rights? If an investigator or police officer lies during testimony in court how can this effect the.


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