Reference no: EM131475291
Chapter 17, Tropical Disease: Malaria and Leprosy
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Write an (>400 word) essay answering one of the following questions.
1. In malaria, to what extent do people believe malaria can be prevented: antimalarial drugs?, insect repellents?, bed nets?, spraying their houses?, drainage of stagnant water?
2. In leprosy, does the patient suffer from stigmatization? If so, does it affect their : marriage or personal relationships?, family relationships?, employment?, economic status? or housing?
3. To what extent do people believe malaria can be treated by: Western pharmaceuticals that are self-prescribed or those that are medically prescribes?, traditional home remedies?, traditional healers?
Chapter 18, Medical Anthropology and Global Health
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Write an (>400 word) essay answering one of the following questions.
1. What is meant by the concept of "Global Health"?
2. How do the issues of poverty and overpopulation affect global health?
3. What are some of the attitudes to immunization and what impact do they have on global health?