What is meant by socialization

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Reference no: EM133655287


Introduction to Sociology Note Taking Guide: Socialization Please use your book and lecture to answer the following questions .

1. What is meant by socialization? What would a process of socialization look like?

2. How do feral children inform the nature and nurture debate?

3. What does each of Piaget's stages of cognitive development entail? What is meant by object permanence? What is meant the rule of conservation?

4. What do the three phases of Charles Horton Cooley's Looking Glass Self entail?

5. What do George Herbert Mead's three stages of socialization entail? What ks meant by the generalized others?

6.What is meant by primary socialization?

7. What are some examples of anticipatory socialization?

8. What do sociologists mean when they say that resocialization is more effective in a total institution?

9. What are some examples of differential socialization?

10. What do Kohlberg's stages of moral development entail?

11. What is the significance of key agents of socialization in children's development?

Reference no: EM133655287

Questions Cloud

Do you believe is most lacking among at-risk juveniles today : What are those bonds, and which of the four do you believe is most lacking among at-risk juveniles today? Why?
Early hominids moved out of woodlands : When the earth entered a cooling period during the Miconene Era, (some) early hominids moved out of woodlands
Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed : Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor.
Definition of tornado : Definition of tornado. Conditions necessary to warrant a tornado watch AND warning. Information on what citizens can do if they are:
What is meant by socialization : What is meant by socialization? What would a process of socialization look like? How do feral children inform the nature and nurture debate?
Define your educational objectives regarding the knowledge : Define your educational objectives regarding the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and practices you want the target group to adopt to achieve the goal.
Discuss with your colleagues landslide hazards : Discuss with your colleagues landslide hazards in Newfoundland and Labrador. What has been done to reduce the risk of further damage from slides there?
Describe how they are important in solving the challenges : List the disciplines you identified and describe how they are important in solving the challenges.
Find a meme or gif used in a social movement : You are expected to do some light research to understand how it came about, how it gained usage and its relationship with the media.


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