Reference no: EM132303285
Participation Assignment # 5
Chapter 5 : Social Interaction
Part I:
1. What is meant by Self fulfilling prophecy? (and give an example) Detail
2. What is meant by Social Interaction?
3. What is meant by Social Exchange Theory?
4. Describe and give an example of nonverbal communication, its importance, and cross cultural variations. Detail
Part II
Schools are a major player in socializing and developing positive patterns of human interactions, values and attitude in the socialization process.
Thinking Assignment: You can download the article-Why Schools Don't Educate by JohnGatto; by Googling the title and author.
PART II Read John Gatos Article Why Schools Don't Educate: a) Summarize the article and list a couple of points you agree, or disagree with.
b) If you were in the business of assessing the quality of a school relative to its success with students; how would you go about assessing a schools quality?
Participation Assignment #6; Ch.6 Social Groups, Formal organizations & Social Institutions
THE CORPORATION-A DOMINATING ECONOMIC INSTTUTION producing vast amounts of goods and services.
1. Research the historical development and changes in THE Corporations relative to how they are legally chartered and the impact they have on the national and global economies. How has the legal status and power of corporations changed over time? You may want to refer to the first 40 minutes of the documentary film "The Corporation" you can find this on YOUTUBE
2. List & describe twp cases outlined in the film (or in the news) whereby the corporation put profits above the protection of human rights and ecology.
3. From an economic perspective what is meant by Externality (or Externalities)-give an example of a corporation engaged in significant externalities in order to maximize profit. Give two examples of externalities.
4. How would a sociologist view the modern corporation when viewing it through the Functional, Conflict and Symbolic interaction lenses?
5.a) Research the news for an example whereby a contemporary corporation had a profoundly positive impact on the culture at large.
Participation Assignment #6 (B)
After watching the documentary on FOOD INC, answer the following questions:
Google: ( Food Inc full movie) to access film.
1. Describe three ways that the food we eat today has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000?
2. What impact has McDonalds had on the suppliers of beef, chicken & pork?
3. What role does corn play in both the production and price of the animal based proteins that we consume?
4. What happened to Kevin in the film & why?
5. Why has it become almost impossible to fix the food supply problem, what groups, players and conflicts are inherent in the process of producing and selling the foods that we eat?
6. What are the sociological implications of the price and quality of food we eat relative to socioeconomic class?
Participation Assignment #7
Part One:
To get access to the article on the normality of crime, type into the Google search engine the following:
( The Normality of crime: Durkheim and Erikson John Hamlin )
Read the article and answer the four questions :
1. On what grounds does Emile Durkheim argue that crime should be considered a "normal" element of society?
2. Why is a society devoid of crime an impossibility?
3. What are the functional consequences of crime and deviance?
4. What implications has the division of labor & industrialization of society had on suicide & crime?
Part Two
A) Find an articles on the internet, newspaper, magazineetc, that focuses on deviancy that is threatening oursociety-- read the article and summarize the seriousness of the deviancy-and how it might be controlled?
Part three: Watch the documentary judgment at Midnight, to access this documentary Google: (Judgment at Midnight documentary) this is a PrimeTime production; and answer the following:
1. What kind ofenvironment did Antonio grow up in?
2. How was he treated by the legal system with his public defenders?
3. What happened to his partners in their murderous crimes?
4. How has Antonios incarceration at Angola Prison impacted Warden Cain, and Antonio's family?
5. How many appeals in Antonio's legal case?
6. Did Alvan Adam's son feel that there was closure in this case?
Frederick Douglass, "Escape from Slavery"
1 Why is Frederick Douglass reluctant to tell all the facts of his escape from slavery?
2 How does he feel about some members of the Underground Railroad? Why?
3 Why was Douglass angry when his master sometimes gave him a small percentage of his earnings?
4 What were the conditions of Douglass "hiring himself out?"
5 What held Douglass from making his escape earlier?
6 What emotions did Douglass experience when he finally reached freedom in New York?
7 What surprised Douglass about New Bedford?