Reference no: EM13264754
1. What is Marketing ?
2. Distinguish between customer value, satisfaction and quality.
3. Explain the difference between wants, needs and demands.
4. What is included in the marketing offer ?
5. Compare and contrast how the internet has changed connections with customers
6. What are the four E-marketing domains ? Explain each one.
7. Explain the difference between e-business, e-commerce, and e-marketing.
8. Describe the Model of Buyer Behavior shown on page 137 of your text.
9. List and describe the factors influencing consumer behavior.
10. What is CRM ?
11. Explain the buyer decision process.
12. Describe the buyer decision process for new products.
13. What are the four steps of the marketing research process ?
14. What types of problems must managers be aware of when using secondary data ?
15. List and discuss three characteristics affecting consumer behavior.
16. List and discuss the stages in the consumer decision process for new products.
17. Discuss a way in which business markets differ from consumer markets.
18. Discuss three of the stages in the business buying process.
19. List and discuss the levels of market segmentation.
20. Explain what is meant by positioning for competitive advantage.
21. There are many ways to segment a market but not all segmentations are effective. What are two of the five ?
22. Brands can be positioned for value based on the benefits offered and the price charged. The result is the brand value proposition. What are the five value propositions with which companies can achieve success ? Provide an example for each.
23. Discuss the process of new-product development strategy.
24. Distinguish between product line decisions and product mix decisions.
25. What is the product life cycle ? List three of the five stages and explain what occurs in each stage.
26. There are 8 major stages in the new-product development process. List and explain three of them.
27. List and describe the factors to consider when setting prices.
28. Discuss the factors to consider for product mix pricing strategies.
29. Describe the following terms/concepts. IN YOUR OWN WORDS a. Price elasticity  b. Market penetration pricing c. Value-based pricing 30. Companies may use segmented pricing as part of their pricing strategy. Explain the meaning of segmented pricing and name three different types of segmented prices.
31. Distinguish between vertical and horizontal marketing systems.
32. Discuss some key factors in marketing channel management decisions.
33. Describe the following terms/concepts. IN YOUR OWN WORDS a. Marketing channel b. Supply chain management c. Franchise organization
34. List and explain two of the 4 major logistics functions ?
35. Explain the difference between retailers and wholesalers.
36. Wholesalers add value by performing one or more of nine channel functions. List three of these functions and explain each one.
37. Describe the following terms/concepts. IN YOUR OWN WORDS a. Agent b. Broker c. Retailer
38. Explain the four characteristics that can be used to classify retailers and provide examples of the resulting types.
39. What is competitive advantage ?
40. Describe the following terms/concepts. IN YOU OWN WORDS a. Competitive advantage b. Value proposition c. Target marketing
41. Describe the following terms/concepts. IN YOUR OWN WORDS a. Market segmentation b. Position statement c. Income segmentation
42. Describe the following terms/concepts. IN YOU OWN WORDS a. Exchange controls b. Joint venturing c. Global firm
43. Explain the three choices a company has for entering global markets.