Reference no: EM132368510
Questions -
Q1. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the multiple regression model?
a) The value of y, for each value of xik, is: yi = β1 + β2xi2 + ... + βKxiK + ei
b) The value of y, for each value of x, is: y = β1 + β2x + e
c) Cov(ei , ej) = 0 , i ≠ j
d) E(e) = 0.
Q2. You have estimated a model of two variables related such that
y = 16.8 - 20 x
If x increases by 1 unit, what is the expected change in y?
a) y decreases by 0.2 percent
b) y decreases by 0.2 units.
c) y decreases by 2 percent.
d) y decreases by 20 units.
Q3. A model estimated using a dataset with 500 observations generates the following results.
y = 3.204 + 0.76 x2
(se) (0.709) (0.44)
What are the endpoints for the 99% confidence interval for β2?
Percentiles of the t-distribution: t(.95,df) = 1.645, t(.975,df) = 1.96, t(.99,df) = 2.326, t(.995,df) =2.576
a) (1.5549, 4.8531)
b) (1.3776, 5.0304)
c) (-0.2634, 1.7834)
d) (-0.3734, 1.8934)
Q4. How should bk in the general multiple regression model be interpreted?
a) the number of variables used in the model.
b) the magnitude of variance caused by xk in the model.
c) the number of units of change in the expected value of y for a 1 unit increase in xk when all remaining variables are unchanged.
d) the amount of variation in errors caused by xk in the model when all remaining variables are unchanged.
Q5. You have estimated the following equation using OLS:
y = 33.75 + 1.45 EDU
where y is annual income in thousands and EDU is the year of education. According to this model, what is the marginal income for an additional year of education?
a) $1,450
b) $3,375
c) $3,520
d) $33,750
Q6. You have estimated the following equation using OLS:
y = 33.75 + 1.2 EDU + 0.5 EDU x EXPER
where y is annual income in thousands, EDU is the year of education, and EXPER is the year of work experience. According to this model, what is the marginal income for an additional year of education when the work experience is 2 years?
a) $1,200
b) $1,700
c) $2,200
d) $3,625
Q7. Which of the following is correct?
a) R2 measures the standard deviation of the error term.
b) If R2 = 0, then the model fits the data perfectly.
c) The closer R2 is to 1, the closer the sample values yi are to the fitted regression equation.
d) If the sample data for y and x are uncorrelated, R2 = 1.
Q8. Which of the following is correct about the least squares method?
a) The least squares estimators are the best linear unbiased estimators when the assumptions SR1-SR5 are satisfied.
b) The least squares estimator are obtained by maximizing the sum of squared errors.
c) If the assumptions are held, R2 = 1.
d) If the sample data for y and x are uncorrelated, the least squares estimators are the linear unbiased estimators.
Q9. Under the assumptions SR1-SR5 of the linear regression model, Gauss-Markov Theorem says,
a) the estimators b1 and b2 are biased.
b) the estimators b1 and b2 have the largest variance of all estimator.
c) the estimators b1 and b2 are the best linear unbiased estimators of b1 and b2.
d) the estimators b1 and b2 are the Best non-linear unbiased estimators of b1 and b2.
Q10. You estimate a simple linear regression model using a sample of 27 observations and obtain the following results (estimated standard errors in parentheses below coefficient estimates):
y = 67.52 + 19.74 x
(3.12) (3.42)
What are the endpoints of the interval estimator for β2 with a 95% interval estimate? Percentile of the t-distribution:
a) (-5.776, 25.515)
b) (11.199, 28.290)
c) (12.694, 26.785)
d) (16.327, 23.168)