What is mans purpose on earth

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Reference no: EM132122058

Britical Reflection

Learning to think critically byevaluating ideas and concepts presented in your courses is an important skill to develop and practice.

As you respond to the questions in this assignment, keep in mind the 9 elements of critical thinking: accuracy, breadth, clarity, depth, fairness, logic, precision, relevance, and significance. Use these concepts to guide your analysis and written responses.  Also, be sure to respond to the reflection questions with complete sentences and proper grammar.


Goal: To explore your biblical worldview through a series of personal reflective exercises.

An Overview

Go to the website:  "TheBWVI" to complete the Biblical Worldview Indicator. This will take approximately 15-20 minutes, and you will get a customized report.

 Share your results for each section.















What do your results show you about your worldview?

Defining and Applying your Worldview

Below are8 questions to help you clarify your worldview.  As you respond to each question, gobeyond a basic "yes" or "no" and explain your reasoning.  Why do you believe that?  Upon what do you base your belief?  Remember to use complete sentences and supporting details.

1. Is there a God?  If so, what is He like?

2. Is there a spiritual world, a physical world, both or neither?

3. Is human nature naturally good, evil, both, or neither?

4. Describe the life experiences, books, or people that have most impacted your beliefs and how you see the world.  Share how they have shaped you into the person you are today.

5. Does absolute truth exist?  Explain.

6. What do you value in life?  Where does God fit into your list?

7. What is man's purpose on earth?

8.  What happens when we die? 


Goal: To expand your understanding of goals and time management through personalreflective exercises.

Setting your Goals

What does success look like to you? Use the questions below to analyze three goals that youhave for yourself. Look at each goal individually by answering the following questions:

1. What is your B-SMART goal?

2. What are your reasons/motives for achieving this goal?

3. By when do you want to achieve this goal?

4. What sacrifices might you have to make in order to achieve this goal?

5. How does your goal align with God's Word?

B-SMART Goal #1

Stated Goal




Time frame




Biblical basis


B-SMART Goal #2

Stated Goal




Time frame




Biblical basis


B-SMART Goal #3

Stated Goal




Time frame




Biblical basis


Assessing Your Time Management

Time is a gift from God. Everyone has the same 24 hours each day / 168hours each week. We can choose to use our time wisely or to squander it. What does your current use of time indicate about you? Thisactivity will help you see how much time you spend on your weekly activities/tasks and what is left to "manage."

Complete the chart provided below by entering your WEEKLY totals for each task.


Time Spent









Home chores


Family time


Social time






Prayer/Bible Study


Personal grooming/hygiene


Entertainment (TV, games, movies, etc)








Total Time


TIME LEFT (168-Total time)


1. Do you think there is enough time "left" for your college course work?  Why or why not?

2. As you review your time chart, what changes will you need to make to be successful in your schoolwork?  If you do not see the need for change, explain why.

Answer ONE of the following questions.

3. Ponder the following verses from Galatians and explain what they tell you about your use of time.  How is time management an example of "reaping what we sow"?

Gal 6:7 - "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what hesows" (NIV).

Gal 6:8 - "Let us not become weary in doing good, for that proper time, wewill reap a harvest if we do not give up." (NIV)

4.Psalm 90:12says, "Teach us to number our days aright,that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (KJV). Explain the relationship between wisdom and "numbering our days aright," or using time well?

Reference no: EM132122058

Questions Cloud

Converting the transactional system into data warehouse : What might be some of the challenges converting the transactional system into a data warehouse?
Why would imposing price controls on goods make them hard : According to an article in the New York Times, the Venezuelan government "imposes strict price controls that are intended to make a range of foods.
Order for the court to enforce the contract : In a contract between ordinary people everything (really, everything) must be spelled out in order for the court to enforce the contract.
Why black teenagers have been disproportionately affected : Some economists studying the effects of the minimum wage law have found that it tends to reduce the employment of black teenagers relative to white teenagers.
What is mans purpose on earth : Describe the life experiences, books, or people that have most impacted your beliefs and how you see the world.
Who is responsible for the information security plan : Our town medical center has hired a new chief information officer who is responsible for the information security plan.
Predict effect of law on the competitive equilibrium rent : The cities of Peabody and Woburn are five miles apart. Woburn enacts a rent control law that puts a ceiling on rents well below their competitive market value.
Review problem on rent control : The competitive equilibrium rent in the city of Lowell is currently $1,000 per month. The government decides to enact rent control and establish a price ceiling
Do you agree with the student reasoning : A student makes the following argument: A price floor reduces the amount of a product that consumers buy because it keeps the price above the competitive.


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