Reference no: EM131343962
Theories of Crime
Is justice just? Sometimes, what is legal is not always perceived by the public as "justice." Many laws define criminal acts and the punishment that will be meted out in the event of a criminal offense. However, there sometimes seems to be a disconnect between what actions are considered criminal in nature and who gets charged for it. Sometimes, people committing the same criminal acts receive different treatments even though they are tried under the same courts of law.
Based on the premise that people committing the same criminal acts receive different treatments, read the articles below and answer the questions that follow.
Miller, N. P. (2006). "What kind of liberty? Competing visions of freedom . . ."Liberty:
Magazine of Religious Freedom, 101(2). SIRS Researcher.
From the Argosy University online library resources:
· Assessing criminal justice practice using social justice theory
· Racial disparities in sentencing: Implications for the criminal justice system and the African American community
Consider your readings so far and answer the following questions.
· How do you balance the ideals and principles set forth in the Constitution with the realities discussed in the articles presented to you?
· What role does the crime control perspective play in your thinking regarding the application of the Constitution?
· Is justice applied fairly when crime control is taken into perspective? Why or why not?
This assignment should be at least five pages long, but no longer than ten pages, and double spaced. All CJA papers should be submitted using APA format, i.e., Times New Roman 12, double spaced with title page and reference page. See the APA manual for an examples.
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