What is law enforcement

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133516484


  1. Explain what law enforcement is or should be doing to prevent new criminal organizations from entering your community.
  2. Recommend an effective strategy to prevent the development and growth of criminal organizations in your community.
  3. If your community has not been exposed to criminal organizations, explain what you would do to prevent them from taking root.
  4. Explain how your colleague's position has changed your perception or understanding

Within my community law enforcement uses a multi-level system to prevent criminal organizations from entering our community and surrounding communities. Each agency has a task force specific to syndication or need to take down a known ring. Along with task force's and agency cooperation our communities relies on community policing for observation, investigation and witness accounts. According to Seminolesheriffs.org (n.d), Neighborhood policing is the concept under which deputy sheriffs, field service officers and civilian support staff are empowered to develop strategies, programs and crime prevention methods to reduce crime and the fear of crime in their service communities.

SCSO is active in the county's schools, attends and participates in local events, partners with residential groups and homeowner associations, and provides assistance to businesses, non-profit organizations, and other agencies. Along with community policing measures our law enforcement has implemented many youth programs to prevent youth from criminal organization between the juvenile justice division and school safety division of Seminole county.

Nothing is perfect and our communities suffers form drug trafficking's and human trafficking due to criminal organizations. To prevent the development and growth of criminal organizations in our community I recommend as an effective strategy suppression program for youth involved in criminal organizations. Suppression programs use the full force of the law-generally through a combination of policing, prosecution, and incarceration to deter the criminal activities of entire gangs, dissolve gangs, and remove individual gang members from gangs, ( Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2014). While we have suppression strategies such as enhanced penalties for adults, our juvenile system lacks. As the juvenile justice system focus on deterrence and diversion for juveniles suppression strategies for youth will provide harsher alterations in sentencing and policing.


Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (2014, April). Gang prevention.

Reference no: EM133516484

Questions Cloud

What does interpol have in criminal intelligence analysis : What role does Interpol have in criminal intelligence analysis and global counterterrorism?
Discuss the juvenile justice gear metaphor : Using the juvenile justice gear metaphor, discuss fully the potential responses for each of the following juveniles.
Read about police corruption and gratuities : Read about police corruption and gratuities. What is your attitude towards businesses that may give a gratuity, such as free coffee-discounted meal to police?
Types of evidence at a crime scene : A crime scene investigator can document all types of evidence at a crime scene. Explain only one type of evidence.
What is law enforcement : Explain what law enforcement is or should be doing to prevent new criminal organizations from entering your community.
What are advantages of educated criminal justice workforce : What are the advantages of a more educated criminal justice workforce? What should be the minimum educational level of an entry-level employee?
Create intervention strategy to help raise family need level : Created an intervention strategy to help raise the family need level, the practitioner must be aware of the potential challenges.
Consequences of geospatial policing-crime analysis : Discuss whether or not law enforcement should rely on geospatial analysis for police patrol deployment, criminal investigations, and monitoring of suspects.
Discuss the decision of committee with regard to this youth : Discuss the decision of the committee with regard to this youth. What aftercare opportunities might be available to the youth once released from institution?


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