What is its use in a bacterial cell

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133469479


Complete the following. Use all resources for this Unit for the following questions:

1. Describe the overall process of PCR below:

a. What is required for the process (equipment, materials)?

b. What are the major steps required for this process to be successful? What is the PURPOSE for performing PCR in the first place?

2. Describe what CRISPR is what is its use in a bacterial cell?

3. What is the difference between the following:

a.  a chemolithotroph and a chemoorganotroph?

b. a photoautotroph and a heterotroph?

c. anaerobe and a facultative anaerobe?

d. aerobe and anaerobe?

e. purple bacteria and green bacteria?

f. Streptococcus and Staphylococcus and Streptomyces?

g. Micrococcus and Mycobacterium and Myxobacterium?

4. Compare the viruses T4 and Lambda in terms of their infections of bacterial cells . Are there similarities? Differences? Describe each.

5. What is a prophage? What type of infection is it found in?

6. Describe the process of phage induction.

7. Look over the steps of a lytic infection of bacteria and animal viral infections; describe the basic similarities; THEN describe unique features with regard to animal viral infections.

8. Describe the major characteristics, including metabolic category, cellular processes, etc of the methanogens.

9. Describe five major characteristics of the cyanobacteria , including the major category they are placed in metabolically.

Reference no: EM133469479

Questions Cloud

What amoeba can be found in warm water : What amoeba can be found in warm water? how does it have to enter the person to do harm?
What affects enzyme activity : What is meant by competitive inhibition? Noncompetitive inhibition? What happens with each? What is meant by reversibility and irreversibility?
Identify an unknown organism : Design an experiment to identify an unknown organism. Identify an unknown organism based on biochemical and enzymatic test results
What is the immunization the patient should have received : What is the immunization the patient should have received? What is the recommended period for booster shots.
What is its use in a bacterial cell : Compare the viruses T4 and Lambda in terms of their infections of bacterial cells . Are there similarities? Differences? Describe each.
What is the meaning of value for fredericli : What is the meaning of value for FredericlI? Explain the difference between Found Values and Original Values.
Assess the impact of the identified public health laws : Assess the impact of the identified public health laws, policies, and regulations on the public health programs in place to combat the specific pathogen.
Are there important endospore forming bacteria : Are there important endospore forming bacteria?
Would you eat gamma-irradiated strawberries : Gamma-irradiation does extend the shelf-life but after some time, mold does begin to grow. Where does the mold come from?


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