What is it called when an offender transitions away

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Reference no: EM131824954

Probation and Parole Study Guide

Which of the following is a type of problem-solving court that focuses on defendants with needs relating to substance addiction and dependency?

Night court

Sex offender courts

Drug court

Diversionary court

There are seven measures that Allen (2011) identified as "mechanisms" through which justice reinvestment initiatives might reduce demand for imprisonment. Which of the following is NOT one of those seven mechanisms?

Increase taxes to help pay for better prison conditions

Decrease the number of revocations to prison currently observed in community supervision

Increase diversion from prosecution

Reduce the number of persons sentenced to short prison terms in favor of community supervision

What is it called when an offender transitions away from criminal pathways within desistance theories?

Formalized social controls

Criminal prescience

Labeling theory

Knifing off

Based on the Jalbert and colleagues (2010) article, which of the following is a likely consequence of reduced caseloads?

Reduced recidivism

More revocations due to technical violations

Fewer hours of treatment

Greater risk assessment scores

What is the name of the theory that points to community destabilization through constant population turnover as a contributing factor in crime in the communities most affected by mass incarceration?

Coercive Mobility Theory

Hybrid Theoretical Models

Temperance Models

Labeling Theory

Which of the following offenders would be eligible for a problem-solving court discussed in lecture? Hint: Don't read any additional information into these examples that is not explicitly stated here.

Darren, a homeless veteran, has alcohol dependence and has committed misdemeanor larceny

Lawrence, a father or two, gets a speeding tick on his way to work

Katrina, a teenage, stabs a stranger to death and claims self-defense

Tammy, a middle-aged in-home nurse, is asked to testify against her client

Which one of the following represents one of the major problems Kleiman (2011) notes for community supervision?

Inconsistent sanctioning of violations

Parole systems need to release more inmates

Probation has too much money to sustain evidence-based practices

Police officers are doing too much of the work of community corrections officers

What is the process through which one curbs criminal behavior called?




Routine activities

According to the Grattet and Lin (2016) article, which of the following did NOT influence parole violations in their study?

Markers of criminal dangerousness for individual parolees

Parolee behaviors

Public attitudes about parolees in general

Amount of parole supervision

Reference no: EM131824954

Questions Cloud

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Calculating the capm : The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a financial model that assumes returns on a portfolio are normally distributed.
What is it called when an offender transitions away : According to the Grattet and Lin (2016) article, which of the following did NOT influence parole violations in their study?
Determine your ordering decision of kentucky swamp brew : Consider that forecasting can be a feedback process. How would you use forecasting to help you determine your ordering decision of Kentucky Swamp Brew?
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Discuss the medicaid and medicare health insurance programs : Discuss the Medicaid and Medicare health insurance programs. Discuss how accepting payment from each can impact a health care delivery organization.


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