What is it about this form of art that drew your interest

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Reference no: EM133628617

Discussion 1: In your initial post discuss the following: The morality plays of Hildegard of Bingen and Everyman, as well as Dante's Commedia, draw some level of distinction between those things (activities and/or character values) which are considered "good" and "evil." While all of these writings were written from a Christian perspective, are there any traits that could be seen as common without regard to a particular religion? Choose 2 of the "best" AND 2 of the "worst" qualities a person can possess according to one of our readings for this module (or via the videos of Project 11), and comment briefly on how these traits are likely shared by people from other religious backgrounds as well. Videos Classics Summarized: Dante's Inferno Classics Summarized: Dante's Purgatorio Classics Summarized: Dante's Paradiso

Discussion 2: In this discussion, choose only one form of Medieval art that interests you (architecture, liturgical drama, religious ceremony, music) explain the following:

1) What is it about this form of art that drew your interest?

2) What was the role/function of the art in medieval life?

3) Are there any similar expression (religious or secular) in our world today?

Discussion 3: We have studied many cultures that have successfully assimilated technology in the development of their civilizations. In this week's discussion post, discuss what you believe to be an example of ancient technology from the time period and cultures studied this week that still impacts our everyday lives.

Discussion 4: In this week's discussion, take time to reflect on the many changes occurring in the 14th-century world that we have studied this week. How do you think Christine de Pisan's work contributed to the changes in medieval Europe? Do you see any similar influences in our world today?

Discussion 5: How have the historical actions of Europe in Africa and/or the Americas affected you personally? You may choose to discuss any of the following you feel willing to share: your ethnic heritage, language, diet, etc. If you would rather not discuss anything personal, you may choose to address how Europe has affected either continent in general without discussing yourself personally.

Reference no: EM133628617

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