What is it about cults that captures the public imagination

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Reference no: EM133306073


What is it about cults that captures the public imagination? Why are we so interested in the stories of Jonestown, Charles Manson, and Warren Jeffs? There are more cults than ever before, with more members. Some estimate there are up to 10,000 cults still exist today in the United States.

This assignment fulfills/Supports:

Module objectives:

Recognize social psychology, social roles, group structure, and social cognition.
Identify different social roles.

The Assignment:

For this Discussion Board, complete the following:

Stage 1: Research!

Research cults that are currently active, either in the US or in another part of the world.
Choose one cult to learn more about. Find the following information:
When and how did this cult start? Who started it?
Do the members consider it a "cult"? If no, what do they call it? Are members free to leave if they choose to?
How does the cult support itself financially? What is the living situation?
What psychological tactics/brainwashing tactics do the cult leaders use to control their members?

Stage 2: Share!

In your initial post, share the information you learned about your chosen cult (the answers to the questions listed above). Feel free to include your personal feelings about what you learned as well.
Do you believe cult members are in some way predisposed, or vulnerable to, the tactics used by cult leaders?
What can people do to make sure they don't end up in a cult?

Reference no: EM133306073

Questions Cloud

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