What is involved with being a chairperson for a meeting

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132319566

Manage Meetings Assignment -

LEARNING OUTCOMES - The following critical aspects must be assessed as part of this unit:

1. Interact with customers, collect the necessary information and match customers' needs to company products or service.

2. Sell products and services including matching customers' requirements to company products and services and finalise and record the sale.

Activities -

Activity 1 -

The General Manager has decided to hold a meeting every second Monday at 11 am for the next three months. The meetings are expected to run for an hour and a half.

What advantages are there in scheduling meetings like this? Are there any disadvantages?

Activity 2 -

Read through Part 2G of the Australian Corporations Act 2001. Take note of the specific meeting requirements. Select one particular requirement that is interesting to you and raise it in the ValleyView Meeting room. Use the topic Meeting laws. Explain why you think this requirement exists and invite discussion from others about this requirement.

Activity 3 -

Why is it necessary for a company to hold an annual general meeting? Using any recent reference to meeting procedures, laws and practices, find five examples of regulations derived from the Corporations Act 2001 that will influence the way an annual general meeting is held.

Activity 4 -

With formal meetings, such as an annual general meeting (AGM), the agenda should be distributed with the notice of meeting. How would you call for items for inclusion on a formal meeting agenda?

Activity 5 -

Why is it necessary for a company to hold an annual general meeting?

Using any recent reference to meeting procedures, laws and practices, find five examples of regulations derived from the Corporations Act 2001 that will influence the way an annual general meeting is held.

Activity 6 -

What qualities do you think contribute to being an effective Chair?

Activity 7 -

Think of a room in which you have attended a meeting. If you could redesign the room to better facilitate the meetings, what would you change or what would you include? Write a 'wish list' of requirements and a brief description of the overall layout of the room.

Activity 8 -

Find three examples of real time online meeting products (for example, Microsoft NetMeeting).

Which one would you choose for a workplace? Why?

If you already use an online meeting product, describe the advantages and disadvantages of your program.

Activity 9 -

What do you think would be an ideal number at a meeting? Why?

Why do you think more than 12 people might be considered too many at a meeting?

Activity 10 -

Explain the type of room arrangement you would use for the following meetings and your reason:

  • meeting of the ValleyView Wineries for Wheelies committee (11 participants, some in wheelchairs)
  • occupational health and safety committee meeting (five participants)
  • public meeting (expecting around 60 participants)
  • meeting of the entire staff of ValleyView to hear Angus Smissen's report on new premises (30 participants).

Activity 11 -

How do you ensure that the meeting papers are dispatched with enough time for participants to read them? Do you use a courier service? Prepare a short description.

Activity 12 -

How do you ensure that the meeting papers are dispatched with enough time for participants to read them? Do you use a courier service? Prepare a short description.

Activity 13 -

Find three examples of resolutions in the minutes of meetings available to you in your own workplace. How do these examples compare against the tips above?

Activity 14 -

One of the Board members is unhappy not only with the original motion, but with the amendment. What can they do?

Activity 15 -

Make a list of the procedural motions used. Do you think that meeting procedures are necessary for the conduct of business in a meeting? Why/why not?

Activity 16 -

As Chair, how would you encourage the participants to say exactly what was on their mind?

Activity 17 -

You are chairing a staff meeting to allocate office space in the new building. There are three offices overlooking the garden, and six staff members have put their names down for them. (The offices are not big enough for two staff members to share.)

Emotions are running high. George, Manager of Acquisitions, claims that since he's been there the longest, he's entitled to have what he wants. Sophia, Manager of Editing and Publishing, claims she needs one because it would improve the workflow between her and the editors and desktop publishers. Stephanie, the Project Manager, argues that George will be retiring soon so there's no point giving him one. The other staff are not managers and are voicing their complaints that 'managers get everything'. Tim is saying he doesn't care, but he's glaring at the other staff, his shoulders are hunched and he's tapping his pen impatiently.

How would you handle the situation?

Activity 18 -

Read this scene from ValleyView Publishing:

CHAIR: Geoff has proposed that $40 000 be allocated to the Marketing department for the tourism promotion. Any objections?

GEOFF: Yes. I would like it known that marketing has had a fair slice of the surplus already this year and the staff in my department desperately need a software upgrade. My department has not received any extra funding at all this year . . .

GEORGE: You've hardly deserved it! My department can use this money to bring in more money, what can your mob do?

GEOFF: A hell of a lot more if we had the equipment you arrogant yuppie! You don't need that much. In fact, giving you the money would give you a few extra lunches wouldn't it?

GEORGE: Who are you calling arrogant you outdated dinosaur?


SOPHIA: Both of you have got a point here . . .

GEORGE and GEOFF: Shut up, you!


STEPHANIE: Why don't we divide it up?

NORTA: You misogynist walrus! What gives you the right to criticise?

GEOFF: It's just common sense! If you could take off your rose-coloured glasses for a moment, you'd see it's the most logical thing.

NORTA: That's it! I've had enough! (DOOR SLAMS)

GEORGE: I agree.

CHAIR: Order!

GEOFF: As long as it's split 60-40 my way . . .

GEORGE: Hang on a minute . . .

CHAIR: ORDER! [EVERYONE SETTLES] I take it that that little interlude has helped us decide that the money should be divided between marketing and records? [MUMBLES OF AGREEMENT] [ASIDE, TO MINUTE TAKER] Make a note of that would you?

What are the four main points that should be recorded from that argument?

  • The money will be divided between marketing and records.
  • Somebody left the meeting.
  • There is a lot of unresolved conflict in the group.
  • Records is a slack department.
  • A lively discussion ensued.
  • The Chair lost complete control of the meeting.
  • Marketing has had more than its fair share of extra funding.
  • Records are struggling to be productive because of antiquated equipment.


Assessment Summary - The assessment for this unit consists of the following items.

1. Knowledge Assessment

2. Task 1 - Manage a Meeting - Formal Meeting

3. Task 2 - Manage a Meeting - Standing Committee Meeting

Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks) -

1. In the following scenarios, assume cost is not a problem and everyone is available and has time to prepare. Would a meeting be appropriate?

Stephanie is the Project Manager for the 'On the Move' team. She has a half-formed idea for the direction of the project, and she knows that the editor has some ideas as well. She wants the opinion of other team members and wants to get the concept fully developed. Would a meeting be appropriate?

(a) Yes

(b) No

Vanitha Vismartali, the Accounts Clerk, is very concerned about the issue of computer-related health problems. She has done some research and she thinks all ValleyView staff should be made aware of the findings. However, Vanitha is very shy and quietly spoken. Would a meeting be appropriate?

(a) Yes

(b) No

It is Wednesday afternoon and the Sales and Distribution Manager, Geoff Ryder has just had a meeting with Norta Diessen, HR and Finance Manager, about the increase in requests for reimbursement of travel expenses. Geoff has told Norta that he will get some ideas for reducing these expenses from his team, and get back to her on Monday. The sales reps are mostly 'on the road' Wednesdays and Thursdays and the distribution officer has appointments with clients on Thursday, so Geoff was thinking of holding a meeting on Friday. Would a meeting be appropriate?

(a) Yes

(b) No

Greg Murphy, Executive Assistant, has been told by Angus Smissen, the General Manager to call a meeting for all staff because he, Angus, has not seen them for a while. Would a meeting be appropriate?

(a) Yes

(b) No

2. After determining your overall goal, you, or your team, need to make the following decisions. In addition to the purpose or goal for the meeting, each of these items appears on the meeting agenda.

  • Needed participants for the actual meeting,
  • The items that need discussion or action that will lead to the accomplishment of the goal or purpose,
  • The amount of time that you anticipate the group will need for the discussion of each item,
  • A date and time for the meeting,
  • A suitable location, that will hold all participants comfortably, for the meeting,
  • Pre-work for the meeting. This will include any reading, documentation, data, meeting minutes from a prior meeting, or any other preparation that will make your actual meeting successful. This preparation should be attached to the meeting notice and agenda when you distribute them to invited participants.

In addition to the above decision items, what standard agenda items should you include?

3. There are many types of meetings. Describe each of the following:

(a) Inaugural meetings

(b) Annual general meeting

(c) Extraordinary general meetings

(d) Directors' or board meetings

(e) Section/department meetings

(f) Specific interest groups

(g) Ad hoc committees

(h) Regular or standing committee

4. What are articles of association and what effect do they have on meeting structure?

5. Formal meetings follow set meeting procedures that are not always used for informal meetings. Give an example of a formal meeting.

6. Create a sample formal agenda.

7. What do typical purposes for holding a meeting include?

8. Who should attend meetings? Discuss how you decide.

9. Outline three aspects of venue selection that you should consider.

10. Three "Do's" for conducting meetings are:

11. What is involved with being a chairperson for a meeting?

12. What is the purpose of taking minutes at a meeting?

13. Who should check the accuracy of taken minutes? Who should get a copy once they are checked and accurate?

14. Write a generic policy and procedure for minute taking and subsequent distribution.

Task 1 - Manage a Meeting - Formal Meeting

Organise Meeting -

In conjunction with your Assessor and workplace supervisor, organise a formal meeting, such as an annual general meeting or board meeting for your workplace, a workplace to which you have access or within a simulated environment. Organising the meeting should entail:

  • developing the agenda
  • identifying the appropriate participants
  • arranging the time and venue for the meeting and notifying the participants
  • preparing the meeting papers
  • Ensuring that the meeting papers are dispatched on time.

All tasks must be completed within appropriate timelines (to be negotiated with your Assessor). To show that you have completed all requirements, you must submit a portfolio of documents to your Assessor. The folder may be in any format, but should include a notice of meeting, agenda and associated papers, minutes, related correspondence and timelines for administrative tasks such as room bookings.

Chair a meeting

Arrange to chair the structured meeting in your workplace. The meeting may be in any format: face-to-face, videoconference, teleconference, real-time chat (or a mix of these), and must include at least six people and a minimum of six agenda items.

Submit a meeting proposal to your teacher for approval. Your proposal should include:

  • the purpose of the meeting
  • the notice of meeting and agenda
  • the participants
  • the time and venue for the meeting
  • associated correspondence
  • timelines for associated tasks such as room bookings
  • a description of how you will conduct the meeting, including the degree of formality and decision-making protocols.

Following approval from your Assessor, chair the meeting and arrange for someone to take notes.

Task 2 - Manage a Meeting - Standing Committee Meeting

For the same organisation/ simulated business or workplace that you used in Task1, submit a portfolio of documents to your Assessor. The folder may be in any format, but should include a notice of meeting, agenda, minutes, associated papers, related correspondence and timelines for administrative task such as room bookings.

Follow-up after the meeting should entail:

  • recording, circulating and filing the minutes
  • recording and reporting outcomes of the meeting to management.

All tasks must be completed within appropriate timelines (to be negotiated with your teacher).

Submit the minutes of the meeting as part of your portfolio.

Arrange for at least two people at the meeting to complete a meeting evaluation checklist.

Complete the Meeting Checklist attached to record the activity. Submit this with your portfolio.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132319566

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Formative Activities - In addition to the three assessment tasks, students will be required to complete activities as outlined by their trainer/assessor – these will be taken from class resources, Enhance Your Future Learner Guides. Referencing Style - Students should use the referencing style outlined by the Trainer when preparing assignments. More information can be sought from your Course Trainer. Guidelines for Submission - An Assignment Cover Sheet (or cover page) must accompany all assignments at front to confirm it is your own assessment/ work. All assignments must be within the specified timeframe (please refer to Due Date).

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