Reference no: EM131901170
Textbook : Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts: Early Literacy By Jeanne M. Machado.
Read Chapter 9 and answer the following questions:
1. What is involved in oral literacy?
2. Define storytelling and dialogue.
3. Discuss telling stories without books.
4. List eight (8) goals of teachers when storytelling. What five (5) did Mathias add?
5. Where might a teacher find stories for storytelling?
6. List nine (9) criteria for the selection of a story.
7. Define fable and participation stories.
8. Review the suggested techniques on page 266-267. Select three (3) and tell how you will practice and use these techniques.
9. Define semiotics, monologue, story and story map.
10. What are story sequence cards, and how are they used in storytelling?
11. Give several suggestions of actions, strategies, and techniques that encourage children's dictation of stories.
12. How do pantomimes enable limited-English children?
13. Describe a cut-and-tell story.
14. How do you involve parents, volunteers, and community storytellers?
Read Chapter 10 and answer the following questions:
1. Define poems.
2. What kind of learning opportunities can poetry provide?
3. Define verses, nursery rhymes, alliteration, diction and couplets.
4. List and describe five (5) types of poetry.
5. Define assonance, figurative language, similes, metaphors, and personification.
6. List several ways to introduce poetry to children.
7. List eight (8) suggestions for creating poems for young children.
8. In a separate document or separate page, write your own poem. Tell which type of poem (category) it is. Then illustrate your poem with clip art or a picture. Be sure to follow the suggestions from question number 7.