Reference no: EM131442668
What is the "Internet of Things"? What is your opinion of it? Is it good or bad? Detail your reasons why you developed this opinion. There is no wrong answer when it is opinion based, however ensure your answers are well-founded, and written in an educated manner.
Ensure you follow the format listed on the Syllabus....3-5 pages, single spaced, Times Roman or Arial, no cover page.
Have a Works Cited Page following MLA or APA format. The Works Cited Page DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS THE 3-5 PAGES
Assignment 2
Find an article online about the Internet, technology, cyber security, anything that you are interested in or want to know more about that involves the Internet or today's technologies. Write an overview of what the article was about, what did you like about it, what didn't you like, what did you find interesting, etc.
Include the URL of the article so I can reference the article.
Follow the same format of 12 pt font, single spaced, Times Roman or Arial. Does not have to be a full page but should not be less than half of a page.