Reference no: EM133532468
Question 1. What is internal fragmentation and external fragmentation? Compare! If the operating system doesn't allow multiprogramming, in other words, it can't execute more than one program at a time, is it possible to have internal fragmentation, external fragmentation, or both? Explain!
2. A disk drive has 5000 cylinders numbered 0 to 4999. The current head position is on cylinder 2150, with the previous position being on cylinder 1805. Currently, there is a queue of access requests for cylinders 2069, 1212, 2296, 2800, 544, 1618, 356, 1523, and 4965. 3681. Starting from the current head position, what is the total head travel distance (in cylinders) to satisfy all requests with the FCFS, SCAN, and C-SCAN algorithms? Please show me the calculations!
3. On a computer with the Linux operating system, a file named Uji_akhir.pdf is located in the /home/yogatama/soal/ directory with the yogatama user as the owner of the file and directory. For example, there are 100 other users who are only allowed to read the file without changing or deleting it. How does a yogatama user manage file and directory access control in such a way that 100 other users can only read the file? Describe in detail the access control for each file and directory, including other user settings!