What is indicated by the phrase cap and trade

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133469342


Part A

Answer the following questions

1. Discuss why market power is or is not consistent with the philosophy of ESG.

2. ???Define what is indicated by the phrase "cap and trade"

3. Provide a listing of and brief explanation for 2 relative advantages of a "cap and trade" pollution abatement system with a "command and control" approach.

C. Provide a listing of and a brief explanation for 2 criticisms of a cap and trade system.

Part B

Multiple "ratings" available to "rate" a firm's ESG efforts. Choose 1 of them and provide the information below in an explanatory way.

  • Identify the rater you identified.
  • How do they measure the "E" in ESG?
  • How do they measure the "S" in ESG?
  • How do they measure the "G" in ESG? e.
  • Can find and document or else display criticisms of each of the E, S, and G measures?


Reference no: EM133469342

Questions Cloud

Determine the strategy or tactic the corporation should use : Determine the strategy or tactic, as explained in textbook, the corporation should use to maximize its strengths. Support your choice with specific evidence.
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How this policy will affect the as-ad model : Demonstrate graphically how this policy will affect the AS/AD model. Be sure to label everything (including graph title, axes (with names and unit labels).
Describe the concept of legitimate penological objectives : Explain the conditions under which prisoners have a right to sue the state based on violations of their constitutional rights. Specify the constitutional rights
What is indicated by the phrase cap and trade : Discuss why market power is or is not consistent with the philosophy of ESG. ???Define what is indicated by the phrase "cap and trade".
How does the family influence juvenile delinquency : how does the family influence juvenile delinquency? Provide an example from an outside source of when a child was delinquent because of the family's influence.
What is the main topic the researchers are discussing : What is the main topic the researcher(s) are discussing? What are the main arguments? What are the main findings of the research?
Why does the government interefere with prices : Why does the government interefere with prices? What is it trying to accomplish? Why benefits from this regulation?
Define what social capital is and how it can be enhanced : do you believe had the biggest impact on the youth's behavior and their choices? Define why you believe this theory made the biggest impact.


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