What is importance of economic entity assumption

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM1369529

Q. What is purpose of management discussion and analysis (MD&A)? Why is it important for financial statements to receive an unqualified auditor's opinion? What types of information are presented in notes to financial statements? What purpose does going concern assumption serve? Sue Leonard is president of Better Books. She has no accounting background. Leonard cannot understand why market value is not used as basis for accounting measurement and reporting. Explain what basis is used and why. What is importance of economic entity assumption?

Reference no: EM1369529

Questions Cloud

Sketch flowchart to print average for student : Sketch a flowchart to print average for each student in class.Input. Input consists of student records each containing student's name(STUDENT-NAME), score for first test(TEST), score for second test(TEST2), and score for third test(TEST3).
Which of lines on above diagram represents these data : an additional $15 of investment projects in each successive rate of return range down to and including 0-5 percent range. Which of lines on above diagram represents these data.
Explain and review the independent auditor''s letter : Explain and Review the independent Auditor's letter and identifies the auditing firm.Discuss the purpose of this letter.
Important information about bottlenecks : Corporations collapse on account of ineptness, inefficiency, or unethical behavior at the top and as the saying goes, 'the bottleneck is at the top of the bottle
What is importance of economic entity assumption : She has no accounting background. Leonard cannot understand why market value is not used as basis for accounting measurement and reporting. Explain what basis is used and why. What is importance of economic entity assumption.
Compute monthly payment for car : Compute the monthly payment for $ 22,000 car with a $3,500 down payment and $500 trade-in if term of loan is 5 years and the annual interest rate is 5%.
Explain what factors should be considered in price setting : Explain What factors should be considered in price setting and Which of these factors is most important? Why and Why is adapting the price of a product important?
What is retained earnings : What is retained earnings. What items increase balance in retained earnings. What items decrease balance in retained earnings.
Elimination of an import quota : China's entry into World Trade Organization is likely to create more competition in local and foreign firms, as well as provide China greater access to the market of exports.


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