What is identity theft

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131167152

Create a PowerPoint presentation on TWO of the topics below to explain your position on the subject. The PowerPoint will be at least five (5) slides not including the Title and Reference pages. You need to include a Reference page on where you researched your material.

1. What is identity theft?

2. Explain three methods used to steal your identity.

3. List five different steps you should take to protect your identity.

4. What should you do if you become a victim of identity theft?

The requirements for the assignment must include the following:

  1. A minimum of two full double-spaced APA formatted pages
  2. A minimum of two references
    1. The book as a reference,
    2. A referenced source from ProQuest, and/or
    3. A referenced source from another technical element {e.g., Microsoft, TechTarget, SearchSecurity, IEEE, SANS Institute, etc.}
    4. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference
  3. The APA formatted paper must include the following:
    1. A separate Title page
    2. A separate Reference page
      1. Minimum of two references
    3. Use this link as a guide with understanding APA format {it has examples of how to set up the Title page, Reference page, and the body of the paper}:
      1. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)
    4. Do not use all quoted material from your references; you must be able to explain the concept of topic.
    5. The references are to help you validate your understanding of the topic.

Reference no: EM131167152

Questions Cloud

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